Cool Cocktails and Support of the Cuban People

Below you'll find a reFRESHING few pages from my cookbook, Comida Cubana.  Get inspired to make your own fresh fruit juice, learn about the types of typical fresh fruits you'll find on island in Cuba, and or, make a few rum cocktails in support of the Cuban People.   

If you are curious about what's been going on regarding Cuba and the recent protest on island, I found the recent newsletter by Cuba Platform to be a particularly helpful, and thorough summary direct from the people. Read it here.




Truth be told when drinking Cuba, we spent most of our time imbibing rum straight, sometimes on the rocks.  But, few drinks (aside from the mojito) beat the sweet classic, Cuba Libre.  Do you know where the name comes from?  Coca- Cola arrived in Cuba around the turn of the 20th Century. It has been said that creation of the Cuba Libre coincided with Cuba declaring its independence from Spain 1902. 

When it comes to richer mixed drinks,  Piña Colada can't be overlooked.  It's beautiful color and texture can only be achieved with a well ripened Piña.  While on Island, we always used powered milk because it was what was most accessible, but I say, use fresh milk whenever possible. Even better though, try the drink with fresh coconut milk.  Scroll down to see an overview on how to harvest fresh coconut milk from a whole Coco plus a page dedicated to the Cuban song, ¡Guantanamera!